Hello and welcome to what I hope will become a comfy space for writers and readers to come together to share space, time, and a cuppa in the form of an old school blog.
New beginnings apart from my other two blogs focused on farming & genealogy…
And a third space that sits between social media and real life where we might come together in community.
No niche.
No ads.
Just words flowing out into the internet abyss in search of the people who need to rad them in that moment.
Just me, an incoming crone, sharing words with you, Dear Reader.
Wild concept, no?
I just hope it’s not too wild for a world on fire occupied by so many of us who are just trying to make it through each day and not give up hope for our individual and collective better days.
So, if you’ve found your way here, let’s sit for a bit.
Let’s commune over hopes and actions, books and music.
Let’s share our passions for crafting and gardening, existing and living each day to the best of our ability.
Let’s honor that we are all truly doing our best in any and every given moment and some days are better than others.
Let’s share ideas without the pressure of all the pressures the internet and the modern world has done it’s best to place upon our shoulders.
I don’t have any big plans for this space except sharing my humanity in a way that fills me, personally, with nostalgia and joy.
You know, sharing for the sake of sharing without pushing for numbers in a way that skews the narrative.
Goodness, I sure hope this resonates with others who are also longing to share an authentic exchange.
Cheers to new beginnings and third spaces! I’m so very glad to be here and to share this space with you.
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