The old lady harvests eggs each day
While her hens at seed peck away.
In hand right now, only four (?!)
With hopes tomorrow they’ll lay more,
While the goats watch on, munching hay.

I’m not sure I’ve ever written a limerick before, despite my decades of reading and writing poetry. However, when I stumbled across Esther Chilton’s Laughing Along With a Limerick challenge this week, I thought it might be a fun word to jump in on…
Especially since the chickens are finally laying again now that the days are lengthening, minute by minute, and the Olive Eggers are not disappointing 🙂
Not sure how funny my limerick is, but surely you’ll offer me a bit of Newbie grace and let me know your thoughts in the comments, no? TIA!
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Thank you so much for joining in. I really enjoyed your limerick and what super eggs!
Thank you for offering up the opportunity! It was good fun made that much easier by our lovely eggs!
Fun limerick! And oh those eggs are beautiful.
Thank you! We do love our rainbow eggs 🙂
Beautiful eggs !
Thank you! We do love our hens and their beautiful gifts 🙂
Your recap post had me curious about this limerick about eggs. That was fun to read :).
Ha! So glad you came on over! It was fun to let my imagination play with the word(s) while I did the morning chores 🙂