Hello & Welcome!
I’m Melissa & I’m so happy you’ve found my personal blog!
A little about me? Goodness. How do you boil a life down into a few short snippets? You don’t, but here’s an attempt at a little snapshot:
I am a mama (to two amazing daughters) & a wife (to the most amazing wife), a writer & photographer, a fierce advocate for social justice & a solid shoulder to lean on. I love to read & crochet, wear graphic tees & drink copious amounts of hot black tea with milk and honey. I am also a proud Gen-Xer who would wilt in a world without music.
I have written about my family’s journey from urban farming to large scale homesteading at Ever Growing Farm (and its corresponding Instagram) since 2011 and began writing about family history and genetic genealogy at Bold and Queer (and its own Instagram) in 2023.
Under the Elderberry Tree is my 3rd space, a place where I can share my thoughts & experiences, inspirations & happenings, moments tiny & grand, in the form of an old school blog. No niche, no ads, just words flowing through me, out onto these pages, and reaching you just when they’re meant to.
The creative chronicles of an incoming crone, if you will.
In a world that is moving ever quicker around us, I hope you’ll grab a cuppa your favorite beverage and sit with me under the elderberry tree for a spell. The view is lovely and I’m so very happy for your company.
In gratitude,